Whether you’re an upcoming home chef or are preparing dishes for your next barbecue party, residual food smells could be the least exciting aspect about what you want to do. This is particularly the case during the holiday season when your kitchen has do deal with more food preparation and more dishes than it is used to.

Want to learn how you can get rid of the residual cooking smells in your home? Read on!

Use Basic Kitchen Sense

If you stick to proper kitchen form, you could cut down the time spent trying to figure out how to get rid of cooking odors. From the floor to freezer to the shelves of your refrigerator, be sure to keep your kitchen clean. And besides cooking with the fan on, take your waste out regularly, and always clean your trash can. Besides, you should strive to wipe up spills when they occur, keep the kitchen sink clean, and get rid of the dish sponges when they start crying foul. Here are some cleaning posts you might find helpful

Use Better Fragrance to Fight Odors

While ingredients like garlic could add a spicy taste to most of your dishes, they also contain potent aromas. Thinking of how you can eliminate garlic smells from your kitchen? The most natural remedy for this pungent problem is using a more fragrant beverage or food, in which GC Cleaning do as part of their cleaning service. If you’re preparing a dessert, for instance, the mere smell of baking, as well as spices like cinnamon, ginger, or nutmeg, could wrestle onion or garlic odors to extinction. Brewing a pot of coffee would also help as well. Besides, you could also use natural sprays, simmer pots, or other types of aromatherapy to give your house its sweet smell.

Baking Soda Can Help Beat Bad Smells.

Baking soda has a reputation for its incredible deodorizing properties. Pour some baking soda into mason jars, poke some holes on the lids, and spray around the kitchen so that they absorb the odors left after preparing your meal. You could go a step higher and add some drops of your best essential oil to the baking soda just to sweeten the smell.

Now you are equipped with the knowledge to help you get rid of the smells lingering in your kitchen. Do you want some additional stink-busting tips? Learn how to kill the musty winter smells and deodorize your house.

And if you need any help with prepping your kitchen or home for a big holiday gathering – or any other event – reach out to GC Cleaning Services for a hand in your cleaning.

GC Cleaning Services Limited is your professional house cleaning company in Scottsdale. Contact us for your cleaning needs.

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